Instrumental music tutor woodwind and brass

  • Bli Bli
  • Brisbane Catholic Education

Proven capacity to be fully engaged in the life of the school beyond the bmusicb program teach beginner intermediate and advanced students in both individual Team Member Qualities:

  • Work Hard
  • Team Oriented
  • Friendly
  • Honest
  • Great customer service skills
Other information

To subscribe in this position, create a quality resume. Here are some tips on how to create an excellent resume


  • Go right to the point. is a basic tip, but very disregarded by candidates;
  • Divide the curriculum content by topics;
  • Avoid formats that deviate from the rules;
  • Use a language simple, but appropriate;
  • Avoid pretensions to wages;
  • Make a careful review;
  • Speak the truth, be honest!
Guidelines on Submitting Resumes

Please note carefully how to submit your resume on the job application page.